Celebrating Menttium’s 33 years in the business of developing leaders through mentoring and changing lives, one match at a time! Our community of leaders share lessons on life, leadership and everything in between. To learn more about Menttium, go to www.menttium.com. Season 3 Music by Parker Brown.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
This week’s episode features a conversation with Eboni Adams Monk, a successful executive (just promoted to Vice President in the week since her interview); and the author of the book “Leading Wise: Inspirational Reflections for Corporate Leaders”. Eboni shares what she has learned from her cross-cultural research into wisdom traditions, including the universal truth which they all have in common – the importance of creating a sense of wholeness and a sense of belonging. She highlights the impact leaders can have when they focus on translating these elements into the workplace; creating the space for authentic wholeness, and instilling “a sense of belonging into our work environment”. And she offers leaders advice on being open, reflective and to “follow your curiosity to wherever it takes you.”

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
In this episode, Al Johnson, Sr. Director of Supplier Management at Grainger, shares the lessons he’s learned on motivating and inspiring people to be their best, balancing the macro and micro aspects of leadership, developing a strong executive presence, and creating and executing a strategic plan. Al is an expert negotiator and reveals how a person can strengthen their negotiation and conflict management skills by changing their mindset going into a negotiation. He also offers tips for creating a strong multi-generational workforce. Al shares his habits for success, his advice to young professionals, and his favorite quote. Al’s recommended leadership books can be found on the show notes for this episode.

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
This week’s episode features a conversation with Jennifer Meyer, Senior Director with United Health Group at a very unique moment in time – the day before she steps away from her successful career, to take a professional sabbatical for the benefit of her family. Jennifer intentionally chose this timing to ensure she would be open and honest with her perspective on this life transition, in recognition of the reality that so many others are also facing changes and challenges. In a great example of a mentoring mentality, she decided to use this interview as an opportunity for others to hear that they are not alone on this journey.
During this conversation Jennifer reflects on the fact that we are not meant to lead a pain-free life; and the hard won wisdom that can result when we choose to face the pain instead of looking away. And she shares her list of 4 P’s, which she credits for all of her success: People, Perspective, Patience, Perseverance.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
This week’s episode features a conversation with Allan Bifield, an accomplished global senior-finance executive with more than 30 years of experience. Allan shares the biggest lessons he has learned in his career related to taking risks, not trying to do everything yourself, and prioritizing self-development. He highlights his essential leadership strategies for setting vision and direction; empowering people to be successful; creating team synergy; and leading transformational change. Allan talks about his commitment to mentoring and the reward he feels in helping another professional reach their highest potential. He also shares his habits for success, his advice to young professionals, and his favorite quote.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
This week our conversation with Shunda Robinson looks at the power of intentional conversations in responding to the need for organizations to address race, equity, and inclusion differently than they have in the past. Sharing the insights and wisdom she’s gained from a career that has led to her current role as Senior VP, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Shunda explains why “DEI work can’t be just what we say, it has to be what we do. It has to be who we are in the hallways and offices of our organization every single day.” Shunda describes the powerful and transformative company-wide conversations she facilitated in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. She highlights the importance of finding your voice, as well as the voice of ally-ship. Shunda also shares her 3 habits of success, which got her to where she is today.

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
This week’s episode features a conversation with Thomas Schlick, a successful Operations executive and recent author of the book Jumpstart Your Service Revolution: Transform Your Company’s DNA and Thrive in an Age of Disruption. Drawing from his experience helping organizations around the globe navigate change, Tom shares his insights and stories which highlight the timeless importance of people and culture. He discusses what he sees as the 3 largest trends facing us today and the best practices that will answer these challenges. Tom also shares what he’s found essential to success when working on global and virtual teams, beginning with the need for clarity around the purpose of any meeting (information sharing, problem-solving, or decision making). Last, Tom shares the pivotal role a leader needs to play to ensure inclusivity for engagement and community.

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In this episode, Jim Gwaltney, retired Ford Motor Company Senior Executive and author of The 20 Immutable Laws of Leadership, shares his leadership advice. Jim discusses best practices for motivating employees; learning to delegate; transitioning from being an individual contributor to a manager; and making time to focus on vision and strategy. He identifies specific strategies to successfully navigate organizational politics, and he reminds listeners of the importance of getting out of one’s comfort zone. Jim also shares his habits for success, his advice to young professionals, and his favorite quote.

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Leadership and Workplace Culture - Bobbi Dahlgren, Supply Chain Executive
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This episode features Bobbi Dahlgren, a highly accomplished business operations and supply chain leader. Bobbi will share her strategies for bringing out the best in your team; working with people who have different interaction styles; and leading a team through organizational change. She shares tips she has learned in conflict resolution training as well as some essential skills for being an effective negotiator. Bobbi discusses the importance of creating workplace cultures where people can have flexibility. She also shares her habits for success, her advice to young professionals, and her favorite quote.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Formal and informal mentoring - CurVie Burton, Executive Coach & Business Consultant
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
This week’s episode features CurVie Burton, executive coach and consultant at TheRoadB4U. CurVie has dedicated his career to helping individuals, teams, and corporations achieve their full potential. He reflects on how mentors helped him early in his career and his passion for developing mentoring programs that have successfully increased the representation of black professionals at senior levels in technology. He highlights the process he uses to help his clients define, create, and maintain successful outcomes in their life and career. CurVie also shares his habits for success, his advice to young professionals, and his favorite quote.

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Leading real change starts with yourself - Dr. Sue Stanek
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In this episode Dr. Sue Stanek talks about how leading real change starts with yourself. She outlines steps for creating self-awareness and internal change and gives examples of the powerful results that this can have in one’s professional and personal life. We will hear about the profound “aha” moment Sue had that inspired her to create a presentation about the slippery slope of being right. Sue reflects on the strategies she has learned to create an empowering work-life balance. She also shares her habits for success, her advice to young professionals, and her favorite quote.